Mom and Dad Happy 4th of July.My favorite holiday spent in a place where they don't celebrate it.... How sad, but oh well. I wouldn't change being here for anything!!😛I sounds like you had so much fun! I can't wait for next year. I love the 4th of July. The yard looks amazing pa
This past week was truly amazing. I saw so many people and made so many awesome relationship and say so many miracles!! On Saturday night guess what I saw. fireflies! My first time ever, we went with some investigators together and saw them. It was so cool!! So surreal. I want to see them again. Have you ever seen them before? Lizzy is way lucky, I feel like where she is serving they will exist so, if so, hopefully she will be able to see them!! Bahhhh so today was transfer calls. ScaryAnd the news is I am staying in nagaoka for another transfer!! Truly an answer to my prayers!! There is so much working and so many miracles going on right now!! My new companion is sister Clark. She opened this area for sisters about 1 year ago. So that is going to help out sooooo much!!! And we are the STL. So that will be good. I am never about being a sister training leader but I am way excited at the same time
So once again the last Sunday of the month was truly amazing. So many miracles happened today. Let's see, we had two new investigators at church today. Melody and jasmine! Melody is from the Philippines and jasmine is from Mexico!! This is going to be weird but all this time I have been in nagaoka I just kept saying and thinking I need to find some one who speaks Spanish. I need to find someone who is Mexican. And look here she is and it's amazing. Jasmine was found through Facebook networking. Her friends are friends with the elders and she messaged the elders saying she loves Jesus Christ and wants to come to our church and everything. SO AMAZING. And melody is friends with one of the elders investigators. We always see her at the restaurant we go to. And on Wednesday while we were eating she came up to us and was like hey, I am going to your church on Sunday! Ha and we were like wait what. It was funny. So another sacrament meeting, melody had to leave and she was telling us as she was leaving how much she loved church and she said next week she wants to share with everyone her story about god. So that was cool. This week we are meeting with jasmine again. She asked if we meet more than once a week as a church and I told her no and she was like tots bummed, but I quickly told her that we can get together through out the week and study together and she was so excited. I should probably brush up on my Spanish. Josh please help. Facebook lesson together? Haha and of course I can't forget about iritas. Man that woman has a mind of her own. She literally just shows up every week. It's so amazing. We never truly know if she is going to come or not.
Also at church on Sunday was brother smart. I talked about him a couple weeks ago. Like he is the guy that Skyped in at stake conference like with the guy that just came back to church after being less active. Anyways turns out he is from Murray. Well he went to Murray. He lives is draper now. And so I asked him if he knows any of my friends parents and of course he knows Sam and kori and Karen and Trent. And I am sure he knows like everyone else too. Just a sweet taste of home. I loved it. This last week was truly amazing. I know that when you work as hard as you can and truly dedicate your self to the work, Heavenly Father notices that and he will provide the means for you to accomplish what he has asked! XOXO Sister Brown
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